Child passenger safety information

The safety aspect of our seat protector:

First of all, our seat protector was designed to encourage rear-facing position for as long as possible. It offers a simple solution to the great inconvenience of having your feet dirty on the seat!

Our seat protector was designed in partnership with Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST), members of (Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada), to comply with the safety recommendations issued by manufacturers child seats for rear-facing position. Its length, thickness and fastening system have all been designed to ensure the safe operation of child car seats.

In a rear-facing position, it is safe in all situations, whatever the car seat or vehicle.

For front-facing use, it's essential to check your car's manual, as some vehicles prohibit this. Safety first! Indeed, since each car seat manufacturer and each vehicle has its own requirements, it's important to refer to the manufacturer's manuals for the safe use of this accessory. Some vehicles forbid any accessory hooked up behind the front seats, for example. For a summary of what is permitted by seat manufacturers, please refer to the Little Cupcakes in Cars Seats publication. 

If you have any questions about child passenger safety, please consult a CPSA member (Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada).

Other useful information on child passenger safety:

  • A meeting (free of charge) with a TSEP is a MUST if you want to drive with peace of mind because there's nothing more important than the safety of your loved ones! Also, let's face it, reading bench and car manuals is not that easy and digestible... I learn better by talking and asking questions! To make an appointment with a TSEP in your area, it's this way!
  • The backward orientation is definitely safer than the forward orientation. Feet touching the backrest is not dangerous and you know a nice solution to the little inconvenience of dirty feet!  A short text summarized here!
  • Once our bench is well installed, we also have to install the harness well! As a picture is worth a thousand words, check it out here and here!
  • Wait until you reach the limits of your bench before moving on to the next step which will inevitably be less safe!
  • Use the "pinch test" technique to check if your harness fits properly and if your coat fits securely. A publication that explains it perfectly with a great visual.

Obviously, I'm not personally a TSEP and I have way too much admiration for their work (which literally saves lives!!) to improvise tips for child passenger safety, but I'm happy to share with you the Facebook pages and groups that taught me everything and that are full of relevant information on the subject!